Slate 126

Born on:



Slate 121



Average annual production:


Last calf date:



24 responses

  1. Delicious creamy milk,with a special soft taste.
    In this way, milk is a special drink for me.
    Our granddaughter of 6 years old loves this milk!!!

  2. My first bottle of Every Milk and what a delicious milk say! This is a great initiative and I will definitely keep buying it. Thank you Leentje 126 and the farmer(s) for a delicious and honest product!

  3. The milk is delicious from leentje. She looks sweet 🥰 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    But too bad we don't get to visit leentje🐄🐮🥛

    1. This is really delicious milk, Leentje 126! My first bottle of Elke Milk, but certainly not the last!

  4. Good milk.... perfect for my coffee... every birthday we will send a present to Leentje.

  5. Super nice taste very creamy thanks Leentje 126.
    But is this milk suitable for a full head of foam like a cappucinno? I used it for a latte because when I shook it the cream went into the milk and no foam. But delicious coffee though. Please advise which ElkeMelk is best suited for this. Kind regards of an enthusiast.

    1. When foaming milk different things are important with different methods of foaming. As a rule, the more processed the milk the better it foams, UHT whole milk with no cream left floating on it is the winner in this on foaming... But not as tasty. ElkeMilk is easily the winner on taste, but doesn't always foam as well. We have little experience with this yet because milk has not been made like this before, so unfortunately I cannot give you very good advice....

  6. Ha Leentje, we made a delicious stew with a touch of your milk. Without you it would never have been so nice and creamy!

  7. There I am, doing a lot of farming in my little apartment on the third floor with milk from Leentje 126! What a great concept. Just discovered it recently, but will definitely buy it more often.

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